Bamako, Mali

Applications for OIE Elections 2012


Several elected bodies of the OIE are to be renewed in May 2012 as part of the 80th General Session. Eligible and suitable professionals from the Africa region are strongly encouraged to submit their applications to the OIE Delegate of their country.
Firstly, the following elected seats on the specialist commissions are open :

  • Terrestrial animal health standard commission
  • Aquatic animal health standard commission
  • Biological standards commission
  • Scientific commission for animal diseases

Candidates should have the following profile :

  1. The members of Specialist Commissions are appointed in their personal capacity and do not serve as the representative of their country or region.
  2. They must be internationally recognised specialists or veterinarians and their qualifications must be appropriate to the work of the respective Commission. Their expertise will notably be assessed on the basis of their list of works and publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, as well as the functions performed at the regional or international level as members of commissions, groups or other bodies in the area of expertise sought.
  3. The Presidents and ail other members of the Specialist Commissions are invited to devote a significant amount of time to the work of the Commission to which they have been elected
  4. They must undertake to work in a completely impartial and independent manner.

Following their election, they will be asked to provide the Director General of the OIE with a declaration concerning any potential conflicts of interest between themselves and any commercial entity, and an undertaking of confidentiality regarding information of which they become aware in the exercise of their mandate.

Please contact your OIE Delegate for all relevant information regarding the above election-procedures. The deadline for the submission to the national OIE Delegate of your country of your application, including a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae is February 1st, 2012. The OIE Delegate will forward the eligible applications to the OIE by February 15th, 2012, after which the OIE Council will establish the final election lists on February 28th , 2012.

Secondly and limited to registered OIE Delegates only is the election of the President and Vice-President of the World Assembly of Delegates and six (6) other members of the Council.

The Bureau of the OIE Regional Commission for Africa is also up for re-election. The following seats are eligible for appointed OIE Delegates from the Africa region only :

  • President
  • Vice-President (2 seats)
  • Secretary-General

OIE Delegates from the Africa region are strongly encouraged to submit their applications to the OIE for any of these positions, whether for the OIE Council or the Regional Commission. Applications for the seats in the Council will have to be seconded by two other Member Countries or Territories of the OIE to be eligible for election

Who is my Delegate ?

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