Bamako, Mali

World Veterinary Day 2020


Environmental protection for improving animal and human health

Today is World Veterinary Day 2020 !

This year’s theme, i.e. ‘Environmental protection for improving animal and human health’ , as chosen by the organisers of this event, the World Veterinary Association (WVA) and HealthforAnimals, could hardly have been more appropriate, given how environmental destruction and wildlife habitat encroachment has very likely led to the worldwide health crisis we are currently facing.

The OIE has today published its World Veterinary Day statement in which it pays tribute to the great effort made by the veterinary profession to support the human health sector, from research to human sample testing, as well as provision of human and material resources.

The OIE Africa offices publish the List of African Countries where Veterinary Services have been recognised as “Essential Services”, a critical measure allowing veterinary services delivery continuity despite lockdown or curfew measures affecting otherwise “non-essential” or “non-food” operations, for the sake of maintaining human and animal health and welfare, food safety and -in many African countries- ultimately food security.

World Veterinary Day

WVD is an initiative of

More information

OIE WVD Statement

Responding to the COVID-19 crisis: the contribution of the veterinary profession

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List of African countries where Veterinary Services remain operational as "essential services"

April 25, 2020
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Accra, Ghana

In Ghana, veterinary laboratories actively support COVID-19 testing of human samples

April 25, 2020
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Sebeta, Ethiopia

Ethiopian Veterinary Laboratory provides support to protect the local community from COVID-19

May 25, 2020
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Laureate of the communication competition for WVD, organised in Tunisia : “veterinary activities in times of Covid-19”. The winning submission, the above video, was produced by Dr Nadia Brik and Dr Sana Kacem (in French). 

Earlier WVD postings

Bamako, Mali

World Veterinary Day 2017

March 01, 2017
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Paris, France

World Veterinary Day 2016 : One Health and education

April 30, 2016
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